Tuesday, April 17, 2007

But soft the day approaches. Some may notice, others not. Myself, i look only to the future.

I confess sir that I did not listen.
All that nodding and hmming was a sham.
I was really looking at a distant point over your right shoulder blade.
In that distant point, I saw two people walking hand in hand across the street and looking slightly shy to be so in love in so public a place.
Clearly new to them both.
Soft touching.
Exploring the new sensations of love-without-pain.
They wouldn't have noticed us if they had walked by our side of the street.
Too busy with all that furtive side-glancing at each other, wondering if the other was also peeking, giggling because they always were.
But if they had, they would have clicked their tongues sadly.
They would have said "not us, never, not like that ever again."
And held hands a little tighter.
Anonymously Posted at 12:11 AM


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